Friday 30 August 2013

One of a Kind.

Finding the love of your life isn't hard, in fact, it's never hard at all. Hardest part? To keep 'the one' to be with you till the end of life. Yes, breaking up, the hurt, the moving on part, live on, finding another love of our life. The cycle goes on and on if you never appreciate your 'the one'.

I won't say nor promise that I've found my 'the one'. But one thing for sure, I will make sure and do my best to make him as my love of my life and 'the one' for me. For someone to accept each other's imperfections and making that imperfection perfect, that's what is needed most in a relationship.

I will never say that my relationship goes super well in the beginning. At first, I admit that I only like him, in fact, I felt he's a really nice guy, and willing to sacrifice whole lot for me, I was thinking, why not, it's worth a try. I always felt he's super annoying with his cute-ness cause I really do hate cute people. And he's a GUY, GUY, MALE! And he's cute, oh gosh, I just put myself into trouble. Who knows when time goes by, I saw his effort, his willingness, and his, every little behaviours, do mean something.

Then I realize something, people always say, couples always do say, I can't without him/her. This is totally not true, if it's so, how do you survive the period when you haven't met him/her? I realize that, we need to have the responsibility towards your another half as well as yourself. Making each other happy, making each other felt loved, is a commitment. A commitment that makes you willingly to do anything and do your very best for each other.

He's in Kuantan now for work, and I'm gonna meet him tomorrow. Can't wait for him. I miss you so much Terry. I really do.

Friday 9 August 2013

2d 1n =D

Had one day off from the hectic workplace, first time taking bus to go back hometown. Damn stressed when I'm on my way to Pudu central hahahaha. Because I'm used to take train you know hees, well, first time anyway.

Reached Ipoh bout 7pm, he came picked me up from the bus stand near his house. Oh yeah, btw this trip is unknown to my parents hualalala. They won't mind anyway. Went back to his house, and his cousin sis too. Went to Aeon and bought ingredients for our planned homemade steamboat wheeee~ We are super damn full. Over estimated, bought too much, too full.

The next day which is a Saturday, early morning he went for work, and I'm sleeping nicely and he woke me up at 12pm to call me hang my clothes. I was sleeeeeping sooo soundly. Anyway, I need to wake up early too cause we got movie to catch at 1350H hehe. R.I.P.D. The movie, was okay actually. But the guy is handsome and the girl is hot. hahahaha. We had our movie marathon that day, watched Wolverine at 1620H hehehe. It was awesooome. Hugh Jackman is so maan. His, his, manliness *slurrppss*. AND AND and we bought our ingredients and we are cooking our own dinner again hahahaha!

I'm in charge of the veggies and preparing and he in charge of the meats. But he needs to go to fetch his parents so we started cooking quite late. And again, we had a late super full dinner. I gained 1.3kg in these two days. \o.o/

His parents bought me souvenirs from Aussie hehehe. So nice of them.